Argument Resolvers

In Rook, endpoint functions may have many parameters, in contrast to a traditional Ring handler (or middleware), or a Pedestal interceptor.

Argument resolvers are the bridge between the Pedestal context and the individual parameters of an endpoint function.

The :arg-resolvers option is a map from keyword to argument resolver generator.

When a parameter of an endpoint function has metadata with the matching key, the generator is invoked.

The generator is passed the parameter symbol, and returns the argument resolver function; this function is used during request processing: it is passed the Pedestal context and returns the argument value.

By convention, when the metadata value is the literal value true, the symbol is converted to a keyword.

So, if an endpoint function has a parameter ^:request body, the :request argument resolver will return a function equivalent to:

(fn [context]
  (let [v (get-in context [:request :body])]
    (if (some? v)
      (throw (ex-info ...)))))

Predefined Argument Resolvers


Key in the Ring request map (:request). Value may not be nil.


A path parameter, value may not be nil.


A query parameter, as an HTTP decoded string.


A form parameter. Endpoints using this should include the io.aviso.rook.interceptors/keywordized-form interceptor.

Defining New Argument Resolvers

It is completely reasonable to provide your own :arg-resolvers (as the :arg-resolvers key in the options passed to io.aviso.rook/gen-table-routes).

(require '[io.aviso.rook :as rook])

(defn inject-arg-resolver [injections]
  (fn [sym]
    (let [k (rook/meta-value-for-parameter sym :inject)
          injection (get injections k)]
        (fn [_] injection))))


    (rook/gen-table-routes {...}
                           {:arg-resolvers {:inject (inject-arg-resolver dependencies)}})

In the above example code, when the table routes are created, the dependencies symbol contains values that an endpoint function might need; for example, a database connection or the like.

When :inject is seen on a parameter symbol, the symbol is converted to a keyword via the function meta-value-for-parameter. This is then used to find the value; finally, an argument resolver is returned that ignores the provided context and supplies the value.

Argument Resolver Errors

Each endpoint parameter must apply to one and only one argument resolver. If you applied more than one (say ^:inject ^::request body), you’ll see an exception thrown from gen-table-routes.