Nested Namespaces

Defining nested (that is, hierarchical) namespaces requires a smidgen of extra work. In the non-nested case, it is usually sufficient to just specify the namespace (as a symbol), but with nested namespaces, a map is used; this is a namespace definition.

(rook/gen-table-routes {"/hotels" {:ns '
                                   :nested {"/:hotel-id/rooms" 'org.example.rooms}}}

In this example, the outer namespace is mapped to /hotels and the nested rooms namespace is mapped to /hotels/:hotel-id/rooms ... in other words, whenever we access a specific room, we must also provide the hotel’s id in the URI.

:nested is just a new mapping of paths to namespaces under /hotels; the map keys are extensions to the path, and the values can be namespace symbols or nested namespace definitions.

Namespace Inheritance

Nested namespaces may inherit some data from their containing namespace:

These options flow as follows:

digraph {
    defaults [label="io.aviso.rook/default-options"];
    opts [label="gen-table-routes options"];
    nsdef [label="outer namespace definition"];
    nsmeta [label="outer namespace metadata"];
    nesteddef [label="nested namespace definition"];
    nestedmeta [label="nested namespace metadata"];
    nestedfns [label="nested endpoint functions"];

    fmeta [label="endpoint function metadata"];

    defaults -> opts -> nsdef -> nsmeta -> nesteddef -> nestedmeta -> nestedfns;

    nsmeta -> fmeta;

Metadata on an endpoint function is handled slightly differently, :constraints overrides come from the third value in the :rook-route metadata.

In all cases, a deep merge takes place:

  • nested maps are merged together, later overriding earlier
  • sequences are concatenated together (using concat for sequences, or into for vectors)

This inheritance is quite useful: for example, the namespace may define a :hotel-id constraint that will be inherited by the org.example.rooms namespace endpoints.