Nested Namespaces

Nested namespaces is relatively straight forward:

(rook/gen-table-routes {"/hotels" {:ns '
                                   :nested {"/:hotel-id/rooms" 'org.example.rooms}}}

In this example, the outer namespace is mapped to /hotels/ and the nested rooms namespace is mapped to /hotels/:hotel-id/rooms ... in other words, whenever we access a room, we are also providing the hotel’s id in the URI.

Instead of providing the namespace, a namespace definition is provided, which includes the namespace and nested namespaces are packaged together. (being able to just provide the namespace is a convenience).

Namespace Inheritance

Nested namespaces may inherit some data from their containing namespace:

  • :arg-resolvers - a map from keyword to argument resolver factory
  • :interceptors - a vector of interceptors
  • :constraints - a map from keyword to regular expression, for constraints

These options flow as follows:

digraph {
    defaults [label="io.aviso.rook/default-options"];
    opts [label="gen-table-routes options"];
    nsdef [label="outer namespace definition"];
    nsmeta [label="outer namespace metadata"];
    nesteddef [label="nested namespace definition"];
    nestedmeta [label="nested namespace metadata"];
    nestedfns [label="nested endpoint functions"];

    fmeta [label="endpoint function metadata"];

    defaults -> opts -> nsdef -> nsmeta -> nesteddef -> nestedmeta -> nestedfns;

    nsmeta -> fmeta;

At the function meta data, :arg-resolvers and :interceptors are handled uniformly, but :constraints overrides come from the third value in the :rook-route metadata.

In all cases, a deep merge takes place:

  • nested maps are merged together, later overriding earlier
  • sequences are concatenated together (using concat for sequences, or into for vectors)

This inheritance is quite useful: for example, the namespace may define a :hotel-id constraint that will be inherited by the org.example.rooms namespace endpoints.